Why Do Men Cheat When Their Wives Are Pregnant

It can also be. Most men do NOT cheat on pregnant women.

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He is a loser.

. National Opinion Research Centres General Social Survey. Men cheat because they are insecure. Approximately 20 of men admit to cheating compared to 13 of women according to the General Social SurveyEstimates suggest around 10 of expecting fathers cheat on their pregnant wives.

Men cheat on their wives when they are feeling unfulfilled mentally and sexually. Sometimes cheating men tell me and the women they love that their behavior doesnt really count as cheating because it didnt involve actual sex. A loss of passion makes it easier to stray.

Some men have a high sex drive and during pregnancy the couples sex life may suffer. Men cheat on their wives when they are feeling unfulfilled mentally and sexually. One of the things that tend to diminish is passion which can lead to many bumps in the lifelong road of marriageincluding cheating.

It is a common misconception that men cheat on their pregnant wives because they are repulsed by the pregnant body. But why do men cheat. Men cheat because they are immature.

Some experts theorize that men tend to cheat when they feel emotionally neglected and that there has been a rise in this form of infidelity since women have. Unresolved issues and exposure to infidelity during childhood can also make some men more likely to cheat on their pregnant wives. Research shows that 30 to 40 of men cheated on their partners in the USA and a 2017 study found that 57 of males 54 admitted to committing infidelity in one or more of their relationships.

When a woman is pregnant many men start feeling that instead of being the first priority they are about to be downgraded. Even in a self-identified happy marriage many men openly admit to looking elsewhere but looking being the operative word. They also neglect the fact that it will inevitably have devastating consequences like hurting their family and that they might even lose the woman they love.

Other Studies have similarly found that the risk of men cheating on their wives grows along with the fetus. Decrease in sex life. Why happy couples cheat.

Some men with fragile egos cannot take this. Why do men cheat on their wives when they are pregnant. The more time that you are in a committed relationship the more things you have to be aware of in terms of keeping it strong and vibrant.

Some men are just narcissistic and enjoy the thrill of the chase and still feeling desired by other women. Why do married men cheat on their pregnant wives. Other relationship psychologists argue that the chances of infidelity increase as the pregnancy advances.

Men value sexual intercourse and intimacy. CHOCOLATE BABY 4 POLL. So why do men cheat on their pregnant wives.

Worse still these unfaithful men often admit to being satisfied in their marriages. Why Do Happily Married Men Cheat On Their Wives. It depends solely on the man.

Too bad you got pregnant by him. But the fact is and this is good news for us ladies the majority of men find their wives more sexually appealing when they are pregnant than ever before. Thats right according to psychologist Robert Rodriguez author of Whats Your Pregnant Man Thinking 10 percent of fathers-to-be cheat on their partners during pregnancy.

Men reveal why they are more likely to consider cheating on their partners during pregnancy and immediately after childbirth. Why do men cheat on their pregnant wives. Most men are not dishonest and do not cheat.

A man give me this as a reason why he love to cheat on his wife when she is pregnant he said that during that time of her pregnancy she wont be able to be strong to monitor or think on what he do so that is why he take it as a best time to cheat on his wife. Psychologist Roy Shuttleworth believes that men who have affairs while their partners are pregnant are driven by something far deeper than a desire for sex. When their partners push them away they feel rejected not just sexually but also emotionally Haltzman said and many are apprehensive that their partner will choose the child over them after it is born.

I know my friends cheat because their girls stop putting out suggestion to all the women out there if you dont feel like having sex in a marriage do it anyways consider it part of your duties as a wife. In Africa the situation is worst as 30 to 60 of Ghanaian men confessed to having at least once cheated. With that in mind here are some of the reasons why men cheating incidents of husbands during pregnancy occur.

In one survey one in ten men admitted to cheating on their pregnant wives. Why do men cheat on their pregnant wives. Why do men cheat on pregnant wives.

The fear of rejection. Making matters worse being otherwise satisfied with their marriages does make much of a. For many men engaging in sex is a form of emotional closeness.

Men often lack the maturity to fully understand that their woman will eventually discover their infidelity. The revelation that Huma Abedin wife of scandalized New York Congressman Anthony Weiner is in the early. In light of that some men have shared the reasons why they stray when the wife is expectant.

This can happen when the wife has been told to abstain from sex because shes carrying a high risk pregnancy. Its A Question About Infidelity Far Too Many Women Have To Ask So Here Are The Most Common Reasons Husband Get Caught Cheating And Having Affairs. May be more likely to cheat if they havent taken steps to address that trauma.

Theres reason to believe a mans resistance to temptation is stronger when hes newly married and having a bunch of sex in the kitchen in front of his new appliances than when his. Men who have a history of childhood trauma physical emotional sexual etc. Men who are cheaters cheat.

He can never be trusted. If a guy has cheated on you when you were pregnant he never really comes back Hell cheat on you again probably when you need him the most. Childhood Trauma can Increase the Odds of Cheating.

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